About Me

A black and white close-up photo of a blonde-haired white woman with winged eyeliner. She has her mouth open and her tongue is licking her lips while spit drips down her chin. One shiny, gloved hand is placed next to her lip.

The Past

As a child, I was raised in the Roman Catholic church and, as most Catholics are, I was indoctrinated with the idea that sexuality and sexual autonomy were not only shameful, but ultimately sinful. Impure sexual thoughts and actions would culminate in a one-way ticket to Hell.  But the rituals, the pageantry, and the figurative (and sometimes literal) self-flagellation endemic to Catholicism fascinated and aroused me. After all, what’s more kinky than getting on your knees and praying to a scantily clad, bloodied man nailed to a cross? In Catholic school, I remember being told by my teacher that touching and exploring your body was a sin in God’s eyes; as a curious child, I couldn’t understand why things that made us feel good could be bad. Catholicism taught me to be ashamed of my body and sexuality. 

As I grew older, I learned to form my own opinions about human sexuality.  That same curiosity about sex and masturbation that I developed as a child stuck with me into my teenage years, and in the age of the Internet, all questions about sexuality were but a few clicks away. I started watching porn at an early age, and was particularly drawn to the more taboo fetish porn. I didn’t know why I was excited by heavy bondage or women peeing in men’s mouths, but I knew I wanted to explore it more. Slowly but surely, through my time on the Internet, I came to understand that sexuality was not a sin, but a beautiful gift that humans are lucky enough to be able to explore. The shame that I felt as a child began to transform into acceptance and even pride. 

In high school, I reckoned with my queerness and my understanding of gendered social norms. I questioned everything I was taught about sexuality and wanted to rebel against patriarchy in any way possible—I enjoyed ruffling feathers with my radical opinions and outrageous outfits and dyed hair. In college, I studied gender and sexuality and began to engage more critically with power, both as it relates to society and politics but also as it relates to sexuality. The inescapability of power became an erotic fascination—as a woman, what better way was there to upset patriarchal ideas about sexuality than to tip the scales of power in my favor in the bedroom? During my senior year, I wrote my thesis on the presence of humor in 1980’s S/M magazines, a niche yet compelling topic that led to deep dives in leather and queer archives. This time during college became formative in my journey as a Dominant, a journey that is only just getting started...

The Present 

As a classic, curvy Italian beauty, my pretty face often deceives the depravity and perversion that runs through my mind. My favorite pastime includes daydreaming of creative and playful ways to tease, deny, and torture my prey.  I rule with an iron fist in a velvet glove; I enjoy using my charm and warmth to draw someone in until it’s too late and they’re hopelessly wrapped around my finger for me to use as I see fit…

Though I may seem intimidating at first glance (I’m tattooed with a penchant for leather), you’ll soon find that my stunning smile and infectious laughter lights up a room and slowly pulls you closer into my world. I have always been a naturally compassionate, caring, and warm person who loves being adored and the center of attention just as much as I love watching those I care about grow and flourish.  I am a true femme fatale Leo archetype, so be warned—my bite is just as powerful as my beauty!

I’m an intelligent, highly educated Dominant who invests in fully consensual, non-judgmental, and mutually transformative kink experiences. I want to pick through the psychology of your kinks and fetishes and get to the root of what makes you tick. I delight in finding ways to intertwine my academic, religious, and kinky backgrounds together in my life and debate the more cerebral and theoretical elements of BDSM.  I truly believe that BDSM has the power to help us excavate new and better versions of ourselves through deep journeys of self reflection and discovery. I challenge you to bring an open and vulnerable version of yourself to our play.  

Beginning in May 2021, I have trained under my mentor, the inimitable Lucy Sweetkill, in a variety of BDSM activities and practices. I am a naturally curious person with an interest in a variety of kinks, and I am enthusiastic to session with those who may introduce me to new forms of play and perversion.